Hey there!
I hope you are all having a great week. Rach and I did a hike this weekend called Stairway to Heaven; aka climbing 1000 feet straight up a mountain. It was tough, but the view was so worth it. If you live in the tri-state area, you should check it out.
One of my goals is to write 13 Twitter threads about Financial Freedom in Q3. So far, I have written 5 threads.
Here’s a look back at each of them.
How To Unlock Time to Build and Create Using a Simple 3-Step Formula for Financial Freedom
The Secret To Creating Your 4-Hour Work Week That Every Reader Misses Out On
6 Passive Income Ideas for Busy People Who Want To Build Wealth and Achieve Financial Freedom
This week I am stuck. I’m not sure what to write about!
When it comes to achieving Financial Freedom, what’s holding you back? What do you need more clarity on? Respond to this email and I’ll offer any support I can. We’re on this journey together. I’m not an expert, but I’ll help in any way I can.
$25,000 per Week In Passive Income
In 2017, a doctor started a Youtube channel.
4 years later, he is averaging $25k/week in passive income.
How'd he do it? (read more here)
Austin’s Programming: Part 1
I haven’t been following a set workout program for about a month. This is very unlike me. I always have something I am working towards when it comes to fitness.
This weekend, I sat down and reflected on my fitness goals; there are lots of them.
Compete in a CrossFit Sanctional event
Complete an Iron Man
Run another marathon
I asked myself, “What is my fitness lacking, that I can focus on over the next few months?”
I was struggling to figure out what I wanted to prioritize. So, I consulted with CrossFit's Theoretical Hierarchy Of Development. The CrossFit Hierarchy helps prioritize different components of fitness.
At the bottom of the pyramid you have Nutrition; if your nutrition is crappy, every other element of your fitness will be crappy.
One up from Nutrition is Metabolic Conditioning. Metabolic Conditioning is your ability to complete work over a period of time. Without proper conditioning, you will get fatigued very quickly.
After Metabolic Conditioning is Gymnastics. Gymnastics focuses on flexibility, strength, and body control. Without gymnastics, an athlete risks injuries associated with lifting that occur from a lack of flexibility and strength.
After Gymnastics is Weightlifting (woo-hoo!). Weightlifting is my favorite. Lifting, as you know, is the process of moving external objects. Once refined, these movements can translate into sport-specific movements.
Last but not least, Sports. Once an athlete has mastered their Nutrition, Metabolic Conditioning, Gymnastics, and Weightlifting, they can then safely and easily engage in sports.
Why did I just share this all with you? Because I’m looking at this and it made me realize where I need to improve; Gymnastics.
I am good at gymnastics because I am strong. Gymnastics is easier when you are flexible. I am not flexible. Therefore, I am going to prioritize improving my Gymnastics skills by prioritizing building a strong base of flexibility and improving my core gymnastics strength.
Once I identified what I wanted to focus on, I wrote up a program. It’s called Fit Finances: Part 1.
It’s $9.99, BUT I’m giving my fellow newsletter subscribers 90% off. Just use this link!
It’d be pretty sick if a few of us were all doing the programming together. I’ll be individually reaching out to all those who get it! We’ll coordinate something so we can talk programming, mobility, etc.
Wrapping It Up
Welp. Thanks for reading. I appreciate you so much for taking the time out of your day to comb through this thing.
If you haven’t introduced yourself, please respond to this email with:
Who you are
Where you are from
What you are building
My goal is to build a community of like-minded people like us. People who want to achieve Financial Freedom. I respond to every email, so please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Oh! I am going to Austin, Texas this week from Thursday to Monday. If you have any recommendations, please send them my way. We’ll be staying in Downtown Austin.
If you follow me on Instagram, be on the lookout for an epic “Austin in Austin” photo.
Have a good week my friends,
Crushing it yet again, dude 💪 Great edition!