3 Quick At-Home Workouts for Busy Remote Workers to Boost Energy and Productivity
One of the most common reasons people don’t exercise is because they don’t have the time. The common solution is to create time to exercise: get up earlier or stay up later. But working remotely can make this difficult.
It’s easy for remote workers to fall into the trap of always being online and available. Especially if they enjoy their work and co-workers! Some might say to set clearer boundaries for work, but depending on their field, this can be difficult. Therefore, making it harder to find time to exercise.
If you are a remote worker who struggles to find time to exercise, here are 3 quick at-home workouts to boost your energy and work performance:
For Time:
Air Squats
5 Rounds for Time:
15 Air Squats
15 Burpees
15 Push-Ups
8 Rounds for Time:
11 Push-Ups
30 Lunges
19 Sit-Ups