Can you have both financial stability and a fulfilling career?
I think yes. Here are three principles to help you conceptualize the role of work in your life:
Can you have both financial stability and a fulfilling career?
I think yes. Here are three principles to help you conceptualize the role of work in your life:
1 — Pursue Work You Enjoy
A famous study on motivation confirmed that working for intrinsic validation is more sustainable than extrinsic motivation.
In other words, doing work you enjoy will keep you motivated longer than chasing a fat salary or fancy job title.
2 — Prioritize Time Over Money
Let’s assume you are 25 years old.
Warren Buffet comes to you and says, “Hey man. I’ve got a deal for you. I’ll give you $100B, but you have to trade places with me. You’ll be 92 years old with $100B, and I’ll be 25 years old.”
Would you take it?
Of course not!
Money makes us happy, to a degree. Once we have enough, time is all that matters. It’s the most valuable resource in the world. Even Buffet can’t buy more of it.
3 — Define Your Good Enough
When we graduate college, we often have a vision of our dream job. We were told to not settle until we found it. Little did we know, our dream job didn’t exist and never would!
Dream jobs are BS. Achieving happiness at work comes from determining what matters most to us, and seeking opportunities that allow us to pursue what matters most.